
Chief Residents 2023-2024

  • Lily Gage, MD

    Lily Gage, MDA Midwesterner at heart, I grew up in St. Louis, MO and attended Carleton College in Minnesota before venturing east for an AmeriCorps gap year in D.C. and medical school at Emory University in Atlanta.  I vacillated between interests in ecology and healthcare before deciding to pursue medicine.  I fell in love with motivational interviewing and risk reduction counseling when I spent my gap year teaching sex education and conducting HIV, STI, and pregnancy testing at a youth center that served primarily Latino immigrants.  From this experience, I took away interests in both clinical education and medical Spanish, both of which I have pursued throughout medical school.  I am passionate about increasing access to healthcare and have had the privilege of providing mobile healthcare to D.C. residents seeking HIV testing, migrant farmworkers in rural Georgia, and unhoused women in Atlanta.  When I’m not thinking about medicine, I rekindle my love of ecology by spending as much time as possible being active outdoors.  I am an animated storyteller, a dedicated bike commuter, a proud dog mom, and I bake a mean challah.  I look forward to training at Cambridge Health Alliance, a community that values humanistic care of the whole person.

  • Ayesha Sundaram. MD

    Ayesha Sundaram, MDBorn to a physicist and a librarian who moved our family all around the country, I developed a love for diverse communities and recognized the need to advocate for them.  After completing my undergraduate degree in Biochemistry at UMass Amherst, I got my first job at Brigham and Women’s Hospital Pain Management Center working with chronic pain patients.  While there, I witnessed the devastating range of effects in a vulnerable population and the critical role of socioeconomic factors on their health.  My interest in managing these numerous aspects of medical care led me to Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit.  As a medical student, I worked extensively with underserved patients through student-run organizations like Street Medicine Detroit and HIV screening/testing in the ED.  I also worked on curriculum improvements as a clinical site representative and conducted research on the epidemiology of daptomycin resistance in the community.

    I am excited to join the like-minded individuals of CHA who integrate patient advocacy, community outreach, and research in providing effective primary care to the Boston area!  Outside of work, my hobbies include singing (from madrigals to a cappella and everything in between!), playing strategic board games, and working on my fitness.

Third Year Residents

  • Gauthami Balagopal, MD

    Gauthami Balagopal, MD I was born in Burlington, Vermont but spent most of my life in Florida. I grew up in Jacksonville, FL and completed my undergraduate education at the University of Florida (UF) in Gainesville, FL. I first discovered my passion for underserved and marginalized populations through my work with the Mobile Outreach Clinic program at UF. I was able to further develop and discover this passion at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (FIU HWCOM) in Miami, FL where the mission was heavily focused on transforming the health of communities. I worked as the student Clinical Director of the mobile mammography unit at FIU HWCOM and was specifically involved in patient education and organizing outreach events to increase access to screening mammograms in the greater Miami-Dade area. Working with different underserved populations over the years has solidified my interest in general medicine, primary care, and outreach. This has ultimately led me to pursue my residency training at Cambridge Health Alliance where I am excited to return to the beautiful northeast and work with those who share my interests in the field. In my free time I enjoy cooking New York Times recipes, shopping at Trader Joe’s, trying new foods/restaurants, hiking, and gardening.

  • Aditya Chennojwala, MD

    Aditya Chennojwala, MDI was born in India but raised in Massachusetts and Arizona. Growing up in different parts gave me an appreciation for working systems that run our society and the diverse communities that make it up. I pursued a double major in Biological Sciences and Biochemistry at Arizona State University and I spent a lot of my time in college tutoring students of various ages. I discovered that I loved working directly with individuals and their families to understand their needs and to help overcome their unique set of problems, which ultimately drove me towards medicine. Upon entering Tufts University for medical school, I wanted to continue working directly with my community and I helped develop Asian Taskforce against Domestic Violence (ATASK) chapter at Tufts University SOM.

    My clinical interests are in general medicine, particularly transition of care from inpatient to outpatient, as well as cardiology, medical education, and quality improvement. My interests outside medicine involve a mix of hiking, cooking, photography, tennis, and basketball. I’m very excited to stay in Boston where I have grown my roots and be surrounded by like-minded individuals at CHA!

  • Shaheen Chowdhury, MBBS

    Shaheen Chowdhury, MD Shaheen Chowdhury was born in Bangalore (Bengaluru), India and grew up mostly in Delhi as her father worked for the Indian government. She completed medical school at Kasturba Medical College-Mangalore and subsequently completed a two-year diploma in Psychiatry at CMC-Vellore and then a three-year Family Medicine residency at Bangalore Baptist Hospital. After completing her Indian training, Shaheen worked for Doctors Without Borders and later a small, rural hospital in Chhattisgarh. After moving to the US for personal reasons, Shaheen is excited to undertake Internal Medicine residency at CHA.

    Shaheen is interested in medicine that cares for the underserved and especially the appropriate translation of research in high-resource countries to low-resource settings with the simultaneous development of research capacity in those same settings. She loves reading, traveling, cooking and – after living in the American Southwest on a Native American reservation – mountain biking. She looks forward to the day she can finally have another dog.

    After residency, Shaheen hopes to return to work in low resource settings either in the US or her native India.

  • Charles Philip De Guzman, MD

    Charles De Guzman, MD I was born and raised in San Diego to parents who were immigrants from the Philippines. Growing up in an ethnically diverse community, I was exposed to many health disparities at an early age and eventually realized I wanted to help address the healthcare issues in minority communities. For undergrad, I went to Pacific Union College, a small liberal arts college in the Napa Valley, and pursued a degree in Biophysics where I got to work at both Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. During college, it was my experiences with Amnesty International and exposure to liberation theology that developed my passion for human rights advocacy and equitable healthcare. I returned to Southern California to attend medical school at Loma Linda University, where I participated in committees to improve the medical school curriculum and further develop student resiliency programs. I am excited to be a part of Cambridge Health Alliance because of its community-focused mission and commitment to social justice that creates an environment that I know will better prepare me to serve a wide variety of patients in the future. In my free time, I like playing piano, making ice cream, trying new places to eat, and wandering through museums.

  • Danny Do, MD

    Danny Do, MDI was born and raised in the diverse Boston neighborhood of Dorchester. Wanting a change of scenery, I headed out west to complete my undergraduate degree in biology at Stanford University, where I also participated in first-generation/low-income student mentorship and conducted basic science research in the field of neuroimmunology. After four sunny years on the West Coast, I returned home to Boston and worked at MGH in the Division of Cardiology as a clinical research coordinator. As a medical student at the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, I continued to work on mentorship projects and explored a long-time interest in Geriatrics, including founding our school’s Geriatrics Interest Group. I am thrilled to return home to complete my medical training at CHA. Outside of medicine, you can find me looking up new baking recipes to try out, listening to podcasts, geeking out on linguistics/language, and going to way too many bakeries and cafes.

  • Ian Dwyer, MD

    Ian Dwyer portraitI am from Ellicott City, Maryland, and I love spending my free time strumming guitar or playing sports with friends. I attended college in rural Appalachia at Virginia Tech, where I majored in biochemistry. After college, I ‘WWOOF’-ed in rural Guatemala working with community members to build sustainable farming practices. I also worked as a ski instructor in Colorado, where I taught children from local public schools how to ski at no cost to their families. Additionally, I was fortunate to be able to reconnect with Baltimore through my time at the WeGo Project, a nonprofit that uses telepresence robotics to enhance the inpatient pediatric hospital stay. I saw primary care as an avenue through which I could continue learning from others while fighting for social equity.

    As a medical student in the Bronx at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, I had the privilege of caring for incredible patients at public hospitals and clinics. I spent additional time attempting to uncover and quantify targeted advertising of unhealthy food and drink towards the Latinx community in the Bronx, and I co-led the completion of our medical school’s first Planetary Health Report Card as an environmental justice act.

    I could not be more excited to continue the next step of my journey here at CHA, a place where I will be able to sharpen my skills not just as a clinician, but as a social justice advocate as well.

  • Avery Forrow, MD

    Avery Forrow, MD I grew up in Newton, Massachusetts with my three siblings. I went to Princeton University for undergrad where I studied Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and got to do thesis research on ants in Kenya. After college I moved to Seattle with my now fiancé Jimmy, where I worked for a couple years on vaccine clinical trials before starting medical school at the University of Washington. I loved UW’s focus on primary care and spent a lot of time volunteering in free clinics around Seattle. Within medicine I am interested in care for the underserved and addiction medicine. I am excited to train at Cambridge Health Alliance alongside colleagues focused on caring for the whole patient. In my free time I enjoy making bagels, reading, playing board games, hiking, backpacking, yoga, and running

  • Dier Hu, MD

    Dier Hu, MDI was born and raised in Wuhan, China, and immigrated to the U.S. at the age of fifteen. My passion for medicine and public health emerged during my undergraduate years at Georgetown University, where I did research on HIV/AIDS prevention in vulnerable populations in Asia and the roles and training of traditional birth attendants in sub-Saharan Africa. In my senior year, I had an opportunity to study abroad and work at the Dodowa Health Research Center in Ghana for a semester to evaluate the health status and healthcare access of elderly populations living in rural areas. After college, I worked as an ophthalmic technician taking care of immigrant populations in a local eye clinic. These experiences have solidified my interest in preventive medicine and caring for immigrants and underserved communities. As a medical student at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, I worked at a medication-assisted recovery program in North Philadelphia to counsel patients affected by opioid use disorder and screen at-risk populations for hepatitis C and HIV. I’m excited to join CHA, a community that’s committed to reducing health disparities and providing the highest quality of care to the underserved. Outside of work, I enjoy singing Karaoke and playing board games with friends.

Second Year Residents

  • Jesse Bossingham, MD

    Ian Dwyer portraitI grew up in rural Wisconsin, an hour south of Madison. My first foray into healthcare was working as a nursing assistant for a local hospice. Experiencing home-based care centered my interest in the connections between patients’ daily lives and the healthcare system. Interested in developing a broad understanding of healthcare and health policy, I majored in political science and economics at Swarthmore College. After college, I spent a year examining the social, cultural, and medical dimensions of death and dying in Ireland, the Netherlands, India and Botswana as a Watson Fellow. As a medical student at UNC-Chapel Hill, I developed my interests in aging, palliative care, and health policy. I also completed a master’s in comparative literature focused on the health humanities, diving deep into how we think about personhood in dementia. I am ecstatic to join the mission-driven and primary-care focused community at CHA. I look forward to learning alongside kind and curious colleagues as we dig deep into medicine as both a biomedical science and the manifestation of societal structures. In my free time I enjoy complicated, likely to fail, cooking projects, “it’s in black and white and subtitled but I promise it’s fun” movies, and getting outside.

  • Sarah Harrison, MD

    Ian Dwyer portrait

    After living all over the country and abroad, I consider myself from a little bit of all over. I was born in upstate New York before moving to Germany when I was 6 months old. Next, I lived in Texas through high school. I moved to Indiana for college at the University of Notre Dame, where I majored in Science-Business with a minor in Poverty Studies. Through my minor, I learned about how to best serve underserved populations and how to best address social determinants of health. My experiences, both in the classroom and through community service, showed me how important caring for those who do not have access to abundant resources is. My drive to help address these barriers is ultimately what led me to attend medical school at Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, Nebraska for my preclinical years then Phoenix, Arizona for my clinical rotations. At Creighton, I continued my journey of helping those who are medically disadvantaged. I worked as a clinical coordinator for St. Vincent DePaul Clinic, providing free medical care to those in need in the Phoenix community. I organized the first Covid-19 vaccination drive at Creighton for elderly community members to receive the Covid-19 vaccination. I am so excited to join the program at Cambridge Health Alliance and to continue my journey in learning how to best serve underserved populations throughout my residency. In my free time, I enjoy outdoor activities, especially hiking and exploring new National Parks, as well as photography and trying new vegetarian recipes.

  • David Karjala, DO

    Ian Dwyer portrait

    I was born and raised in New Hampshire and have spent most of my life there and in the Cambridge area. I fell in love with art, music, and literature from a young age and obtained a BA in Classics from UNH and an MA in Semitic philology from Harvard before teaching Arabic full-time for the better part of a decade. As I settled down and started a family, my drive to learn and understand shifted away from the humanities for the first time and within a few years, I found myself inextricably drawn to biochemistry, physiology, and medicine. Before I knew it, I was enrolled in medical school at Western University in California. There, I was able to leverage skills from my former life to help teach medical Spanish to other students in addition to co-founding a virtual volunteer organization enabling students to reach out to elderly and refugee populations during the height of the pandemic. I look forward to the opportunity to work with like-minded professionals at CHA in providing mindful care for a unique population as I gain more knowledge and experience in internal medicine. My hobbies include music of all genres, languages, poetry, philosophy, piano, running, and hiking.

  • Eduarda Macera, DO

    Ian Dwyer portraitI was born in Rome, Italy and spent a lot of my childhood travelling back and forth between what I consider my two hometowns; Castelnuovo Parano in the province of Frosinone Italy and Hope, R.I in the US. Since birth I was exposed to and became fluent in both English and Italian which planted the seed for my interest in languages. I also become fluent in Spanish through years of study and exposure from elementary school through college. I attended college at Providence College and took two gap years before attending medical school at Touro-Com in Middletown, New York. I spent one of my gap years working on a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Sciences also at Touro-Com and spent the other working as a medical scribe. My passion in medicine has always been in primary care and forming relationships with patients. I am excited to continue my training at CHA where I plan on using my love of languages to connect and form relationships with as many patients as I can by communicating with them in their native language. Outside of medicine I enjoy weight lifting, cooking, and playing with my two French bulldogs. I also plan on learning more languages.

  • Catherine Meyer, MD

    Ian Dwyer portraitI grew up in the Boston suburbs in Weston, Massachusetts. As a high school student, I had early exposure to the impacts of social determinants of health through work with the Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program. Inspired to address both medical and social aspects of patient care, I studied economics and health policy at Dartmouth College and spent the five years before medical school working in management consulting, doing research on Shared Decision Making, and getting a Masters in Health Policy, Planning, and Financing from the London School of Hygiene and tropical Medicine and the London School of Economics. I attended Albany Medical College where I participated in research examining the impact of caregiving on older adults and had the opportunity to work in a diverse range of clinical environments including a student clinic, a COVID-19 field hospital, and a home visit program. These experiences reinforced my interests in primary care for the underserved, Geriatric medicine, and health systems improvement and I am excited to be joining a residency program that values primary care and shares in my commitment the underserved at both an individual and system level. Outside of medicine, I like to run and hope to maintain my 10+ year streak of running the Boston Marathon during residency. I also love spending time outdoors hiking, biking, and nordic and alpine skiing.

  • Jacob Riegler, MD, MBA

    Ian Dwyer portrait

    I have spent most of my life in Florida and went to Rollins College in Winter Park, FL where I was first exposed to interdisciplinary work and the Liberal Arts. This is where I found a passion for field crossing research, which I carried with me to medical school at the University of Central Florida. While in medical school, I pursued my MBA at UCF and became involved with research at the Harvard Business School. I was eventually appointed as a visiting scholar at HBS to study organizational approaches to social determinants of health, applications of value-based healthcare to underserved patient populations, and burnout. I was also a member of a team that started an organizational case study of Cambridge Health Alliance and was certain that this was the most mission driven organization I have ever worked with. I couldn’t be happier about completing my medical training here. I also have a deep passion for bioethics and moral implications of organizational actions, which led me to complete a Masters in Bioethics at Albany Medical College during my fourth year of medical school. In my free time, I enjoy playing chess, playing with my dog, reading, and most importantly spending time with my wife. 

  • Tyler Schaeffer, MD

    Ian Dwyer portrait

    I left my home state of New Jersey for Boston College in 2011, and Massachusetts has been a second home ever since. In undergrad, I studied psychology and was involved with service-immersion programs related to global economic inequality. I had my first exposure to front-line healthcare at medical orphanages and care homes in Kingston, Jamaica just before graduating. I felt drawn to medicine and taking care of patients. I worked after college in a few different jobs including pediatric orthopaedics and community mental health. I finally realized I wanted to be a physician, and I returned to school at Bryn Mawr to complete my med school pre-requisites. I eventually was accepted to Boston University School of Medicine. There I was able to engage with a diverse patient population facing numerous barriers to healthcare access. I developed my passion for medicine as well as skills in clinical research addressing a wide variety of topics including prognostic factors for sleep apnea and congenital upper extremity differences. In my free time, I enjoy skiing, working out, and generally enjoying life in New England with my partner and dog. I'm excited to take my next steps in training across the Charles at CHA!

  • Lora Stoianova, MD

    Ian Dwyer portrait

    I grew up in Southern California but was born in Bulgaria and spent summers in the Balkans eating fruits and vegetables straight from my grandparents' gardens. I majored in History of Art and Architecture at Harvard and worked in arts and museums including at the Harvard-Smithsonian Observatory Glass Plates collection and as a studio assistant for an internationally-renowned pop artist. After learning that more than 70% of chronic diseases are attributable to lifestyle factors, I wanted to help empower people to take their health into their own hands and live more freely. I completed a postbac at Bryn Mawr and went to SUNY Downstate College of Medicine in East Flatbush, Brooklyn. While in med school I participated in several Lifestyle Medicine and plant-based initiatives, including founding a Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group, co-spearheading a campus garden, helping organize Downstate's plant-based conference, and serving on the Trainee E-board of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. I am grateful to come to CHA to train in a program so dedicated to advocacy, innovation, and humanism. I love to cook plant-based meals with my husband and to be a mommy to my baby boy.

First Year Residents

  • Karla Chamorro Garcia, MD

    Karla Chamorro GarciaUniversidad de Ciencias Medicas Andrés Vesalio Guzmán

  • Maitreyee Kale, MD

    Karla Chamorro GarciaUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine

  • Rikesh Karki, MD

    Karla Chamorro GarciaKathmandu Medical College

  • Nora Lenhard, MD

    Karla Chamorro GarciaCase Western Reserve University School of Medicine

  • Samantha McKnight, MD

    Karla Chamorro GarciaWright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine

  • Kangning Peng, MD

    Karla Chamorro GarciaUniversity of Nebraska College of Medicine

  • Liat Poupko, MD

    Karla Chamorro GarciaBen-Gurion University of the NegevUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine

  • Elsa Teixeira Semedo, MD

    Karla Chamorro GarciaUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria

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