Computed Tomography

ACR Computed Tomography Accreditation SealIf your doctor wants a close look at a certain part of your body, whether it’s your brain, spine, chest, abdomen, bones, or anywhere else, they may order a CT (computed tomography) scan.

CT Scanning at its Best

A CT scan is a type of x-ray that creates two- and three-dimensional images of the body. Unlike traditional x-ray, a CT scanner takes pictures in "slices", which gives our doctors a very close look at certain internal organs. This lets us find tumors, nodules, cysts and other abnormalities an X-ray may not be able to show.

During a scan, you lie down on a table that slides into a doughnut-shaped CT machine. This is what takes the pictures. The exam itself may take from seconds to several minutes, but it may take up to 30 minutes to set the test up and position you on the table. While the test is going on, the technologist may ask you to stay still or hold your breath for short periods.

Lung Cancer Screenings

If you're 55-80 years old and currently smoke, or have quit in the past 15 years, you may be eligible. Watch this video for more information and talk to your primary care provider.

Your doctor will explain how to prepare for your CT scan. For some tests, you may need to have an IV or swallow a "contrast agent" beforehand. This will help the doctors get better images of your body.


  • Lung Cancer Screening
  • Chest CT
  • Head and neck CT
  • Virtual Colonoscopy
  • CTA (computerized tomographic angiography)
  • Abdominal/ Pelvic CT
  • Musculoskeletal CT

Schedule an Appointment

Please call 617-665-1298. To schedule an appointment, you must have a referral order from a primary care provider or specialist.

Locations and Hours

  • CHA Cambridge Hospital
    1493 Cambridge St. Cambridge, MA 02139

    Outpatient Hours
    M - F: 7 am - 4:30 pm

  • CHA Everett Hospital
    103 Garland St. Everett, MA 02149

    Outpatient Hours
    M - F: 7 am - 4:30 pm

For more information about your test please visit the RadiologyInfo website.

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