Specialty Pharmacy

The CHA Specialty Pharmacy is part of your care team. Just as your doctor is a specialist that understands your health, the specialty pharmacy understands medications that treat complex health needs.

Contact the Specialty Pharmacy


How we help

Specialty pharmacy staff are here for you 24 hours a day. You can call us anytime with a question or concern - even in the middle of the night.

We help in the following ways:

  • Explain how to take your medication
  • Understand any side effects
  • Check your dosage and medication schedules
  • Remind you when it’s time to refill
  • Set up new routines, if needed
  • Understand any insurance claims or financial assistance options

We also help track your medications. You may get a reminder call from us when it's time to renew a medication. This way you never run out of medications you need.

How to get your prescriptions

In person: You can come to the CHA Outpatient Specialty Pharmacy in person (at CHA Cambridge Hospital).

Delivery: Have your medications delivered to your home, office or another location.

Refill: It's easy to order refills using our online system.

Providers can enroll their patients using this form:

Specialty Pharmacy Enrollment Form

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