Taking Care

Taking care of yourself during stressful times can keep you healthy.
“These are unprecedented times, for sure,” said Dr. Mark Albanese, Director of Adult Outpatient Psychiatry and Addictions. “None of us has faced such a pandemic. While you may feel overwhelmed, there are things we can do to help ourselves get through this uncertain time.”
Are you feeling like things are unraveling?
Some people may feel overwhelmed – and for those who work in essential jobs like healthcare, it’s going to get harder. If you can’t plan for what comes next, it can feel like things are out of control.
Here are a few ideas from Dr. Albanese and the World Health Organization that can help:
- Take care of yourself – eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise in creative ways. Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and you don’t need anything but yourself to get started.
- Stick with routines as much as possible at home. Many activities are now available online like exercise routines, church services, and more.
- Limit the news to once or twice a day. Constant streaming of scary information doesn’t help. Stay informed online with trusted sources like CHA. Facts can help you reduce your fears, while rumors will inflate them.
- Help children express their fears. Drawing, playing or talking in a safe, supportive space can provide relief. Be honest about COVID-19 in an age-appropriate way.
- Help others. It will make you feel good and provide much needed assistance. In times like this, people with fewer resources always struggle more. Donate to organizations providing support for high risk groups like immigrants and homeless people. Call older friends and neighbors who may feel isolated and see if they need anything like help grocery shopping.
- If you take mental health medications make sure you have enough for several weeks. Speak with your pharmacist to help you get prescriptions filled.
- If you’re in recovery, see these online resources. If you use substances see these guidelines about how to prepare.
- Stay connected. We’re social beings and it’s important to talk with others. Schedule routine calls or videochats with family and friends.
Everyone is affected differently, but we all are impacted. We may not be able to see it right away, but maybe there will be some good that comes out of this if we can focus on the things that really matter.
This articles provide general information for educational purposes only. The information provided in this article, or through linkages to other sites, is not a substitute for medical or professional care, and you should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation or the advice of your physician or other healthcare provider.